The Department of Botany was established in November 2013 in the City Campus of the University of Poonch Rawalakot (UPR), Azad Jammu and Kashmir. The department is dedicated to ensuring the quality teaching and research in the different areas of Botany which meet all the educational standards of Higher Education Commission. It is the mission of the department to create professionally skilled and academically sound botanists to resolve the recent challenges and to improve quality of the human life and economy of the country. At present the department offers BS (04 years), M.Sc. (02 years), M. Phil (02 years), and PhD programs. The department offers specializations in different areas such as plant phylogenetics and taxonomy, nanobiotechnology, plant physiology, tissue culture, plant breeding and molecular genetics, biotechnology and genetic engineering. Particular emphasis is laid on focusing the application of current advances in plant molecular systematics, sequencing methods, genomics, environmental biology, plant physiology and DNA recombinant technology. The graduates can expect to develop their careers in various fields including Pharmaceutical and Food Industries, Agriculture and Horticulture, Environmental Laboratories and research centers. Students are also encouraged to participate in scientific gatherings like conferences, symposia and workshops to discuss and communicate their research findings with local as well as foreign experts in addition to learn new techniques and methodology.

The Department of Botany was established in November 2013 in the City Campus of the University of Poonch Rawalakot (UPR), Azad Jammu and Kashmir. The department is dedicated to ensuring the quality teaching and research in the different areas of Botany which meet all the educational standards of Higher Education Commission. It is the mission of the department to create professionally skilled and academically sound botanists to resolve the recent challenges and to improve quality of the human life and economy of the country. At present the department offers BS (04 years), M.Sc. (02 years), M. Phil (02 years), and PhD programs. The department offers specializations in different areas such as plant phylogenetics and taxonomy, nanobiotechnology, plant physiology, tissue culture, plant breeding and molecular genetics, biotechnology and genetic engineering. Particular emphasis is laid on focusing the application of current advances in plant molecular systematics, sequencing methods, genomics, environmental biology, plant physiology and DNA recombinant technology. The graduates can expect to develop their careers in various fields including Pharmaceutical and Food Industries, Agriculture and Horticulture, Environmental Laboratories and research centers. Students are also encouraged to participate in scientific gatherings like conferences, symposia and workshops to discuss and communicate their research findings with local as well as foreign experts in addition to learn new techniques and methodology.
Mission & Vission
Our mission is to impart concept-based education in various areas of Plant Sciences together with inculcating a problem-solving approach in research to produce top quality scientists and teachers, capable of playing a useful role in society.
Our vision is to deliver the youth the latest knowledge in Plant Sciences, incorporating modern trends. Our goals include production of trained manpower with independent thinking, that can play a leading role in teaching, research, industry, forestry, research organizations etc.
Message From HOD
Welcome to the Department of Botany at the University of Poonch Rawlakaot, Pakistan. Our mission is to conduct cutting-edge research in plant Science to advance fundamental scientific knowledge and solve critical issues for the state of Pakistan. Plants are central to developing solutions to those problems and we all depend on plants for our existence. The department has more recently upgraded its herbarium which contains plant specimens of the district Poonch and adjoining areas, by way of their proper mounting, labeling and identification. The curriculum is an outcome of the brainstorming sessions conducted in the department and further authenticated by the members of Board of Studies drawn from well reputed academic, research and industrial organizations, they contributed and discussed various suggestion in revising the Curriculum & Syllabus based on the industrial requirement and latest technology prevailing in Botany field which can help the students to shape themselves for a bright future. We, at the department of botany, constantly strive to enrich our syllabus and programs to remain at the forefront of current trends in higher education. Besides encouraging students to become proficient in their academic arena, we may add values to student’s life which possibly will equip them to circumvent the adversities in their life and to explore and not to exploit the plant world. I invite you to explore our department website to cognize the academic and research excellence of the department. With this message, I would like to wish the student community a very successful experience together with us in the department.

M.Phil (Botany)
Duration: 3 Years
Duration: 3 Years

M.Sc. (Botany)
Duration: 2 Years
Duration: 2 Years

BS (Botany)
Duration: 4 Years
Duration: 4 Years

Ph. D Botany
Duration: 3 Years
Duration: 3 Years