Brief History
Course Breakup Chemistry Odd Semesters BS programs
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Course Breakup Chemistry Even Semesters BS programs
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The history of Chemistry Department began in December 2012, when University of Poonch Rawalakot was established by the Government of Azad Jammu & Kashmir. Ever since it was established, the Department of Chemistry has carried out the tradition of excellence in maintaining high-quality teaching and pursuing dynamic research programs. Chemistry Department launched its M.Sc program in March 2013, BS Program in October 2013, M. Phil Program in December 2013 and Ph.D. programs in December 2021. The department offers BS, M.Sc, M. Phil and Ph.D. in four fields of chemistry (Organic, Inorganic, Physical and Biochemistry) The Department is committed to providing the best quality and up-to date education for our students. At present, the Department has 19 faculty members including 10 permanent faculty members. The Department has one undergraduate and one advanced research lab equipped with High-Tech instruments. Our research interests cover a broad range of topics, which include natural product chemistry, medicinal chemistry, nano chemistry, environmental chemistry, colloid and surface chemistry, homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis and nuclear chemistry .
Mission & Vission
To advance the intellectual, scientific, cultural, and economic condition of the state, region, and nation through the discovery and development of new knowledge in the field of chemistry. The Department of Chemistry at University of Poonch Rawalakot is dedicated to the instruction, training, and intellectual growth of graduate and undergraduate students through active research. By maintaining its research programs, the Department of Chemistry enhances the appreciation and reputation of The University of Poonch Rawalakot locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.
Message From HOD
We are pleased that you are sparing time to explore the Department of Chemistry at the University of Poonch Rawalakot through our web site. For those of you who are using these pages to consider us as a home for your undergraduate or graduate educational experience, we extend a special welcome. Chemistry is the science describing matter and its transformations. It is the science that defines molecules, nanostructures, and extended solids, and their properties, reactions and applications. This empowering science is central to virtually all areas of modern science and technology, especially the new, exciting inter- and multi-disciplinary areas of nanotechnology, medicinal chemistry, drug design and development, and green chemistry. Our undergraduate program provides state-of-the-art curriculum that furnish students with excellent training for a variety of career in the industry, education, and government sector, as well as other fields. We dispense customized academic advising, planning, and research opportunities to students. Similarly, our graduate program offers opportunities to all students in a wide spectrum of chemical disciplines including organic, inorganic, physical and biochemistry. Graduate students have the privilege to choose their courses and research projects. We are dedicated to developing the next generation of scholars in chemistry and building an inclusive learning environment. We invite you to explore our web site, enroll in our courses, join our undergraduate or graduate program, carry out cutting-edge research, engage our faculty and staff and enter the diverse and interesting world of Chemistry. It will give you the power to improve the quality of daily life. I hope you will join our community of chemistry scholars, make use of the most opportunities we offer, and build a rewarding career. I very much look forward to seeing you in University of Poonch Chemistry department.

M.Sc. (Chemistry)
Duration: 2 Years
Duration: 2 Years

BS (Chemistry)
Duration: 4 Years
Duration: 4 Years

M. Phil (Chemistry)
Duration: 2 Years
Duration: 2 Years

Ph.D Chemistry
Duration: 3 Years
Duration: 3 Years