Soil & Environmental Sciences
The Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences is the only Department in the State of Azad Jammu & Kashmir which provides education in the discipline of Soil & Environmental Sciences. We offer graduate and post-graduate degree programs in the field of Soil and Environmental Sciences. These degree programs provide basic and applied knowledge of Soil & Environmental Science and train students for the practical management of soil resources in managed and natural ecosystems, to serve regional and national interests.
The soils of Azad Jammu & Kashmir are fragile due to their topography. Teaching and research in our Department is therefore focused on the sustainability and productivity of soil resources. Our faculty works across all of the diverse aspects of soil science particularly for the management of major degradation issues such as water erosion, organic matter and nutrient decline. We supervise our research students in the field of soil fertility, soil and water conservation, soil microbiology and Biotechnology, nutrient cycling, soil carbon dynamics and integrated nutrient management.
Because of the interdisciplinary nature of soil science, we work in close association with other disciplines, NGOs and government organizations. We are working hard to find solutions to the challenges including soil degradation and climate change.

The Department of Soil Science was established in 1980 in University College of Agriculture, Rawalakot, a sub-campus of the University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Muzaffarabad. In 1999, the Department started its post-graduate programs. Since its inception, the Department has been actively involved in academic and research activities, focusing on various aspects of soil, including Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition, Integrated Plant Nutrient Management System, Soil Microbiology, Soil Conservation, and Legumes Introduction and Establishment. The Department's key strength lies in its ability to seek solutions to interdisciplinary problems through the collaboration of researchers and educators. It prides itself on maintaining high academic standards, achieving numerous accomplishments in research and publications over the years.
Overall, the Department of Soil & Environmental Sciences has proven to be an essential entity in the Faculty of Agricuture, University of Poonch Rawalakot, providing significant contributions to academic and research activities related to Soil & Environmental science, and producing competent professionals in the field.
Mission & Vission
Soils are treasured and protected by all so that future generations have food, feed, fiber, and fuel on sustainable basis.
Promote the wise use and stewardship of soil resources by preparing students capable of solving problems, developing technologies, and discovering knowledge in the field of soil science for the well-being of the people.
- Outcome-based education and training to the students to become skilled managers of soil resources.
- Fundamental and applied research to address problems and foresee future challenges.
- Collaborate with Universities and organizations for academics, research, and internships.
- Continue to learn, invest, and track actions to improve the visibility and recognition of the department, regionally and globally.
Message From HOD
Soil under our feet’s is not just dirt. In fact, it has more living organisms than people on earth. Soils are everywhere. We walk, build, and eat food grown on them and enjoy many things that could not be possible without soils. Therefore, study of soils is highly interdisciplinary and is of fundamental importance to agriculture, environment, natural resource management, engineering, and urban planning. The Department of Soil & Environmental Sciences is a vibrant place to work, and we encourage all qualified individuals to apply and become the part of our team.
Majid Mahmood Tahir, PhD

B.Sc(Hons.) Agriculture (SES)
Duration: 4 Years
Duration: 4 Years

M.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture (SES)
Duration: 2 Years
Duration: 2 Years

Ph.D. (SES)
Duration: 3 Years
Duration: 3 Years

BS Environmental Sciences
Duration: 4 Years
Duration: 4 Years