Eastern Medicine & Surgery
The Eastern Medicine is the vision of Shaheed Hakim Mohammed Said. Five years B.E.M.S. degree program is a combination of classical Traditional (Greek) and Modern medicine.We are confident that you, desirous students, wishing to be part of the UPR culture, will greatly benefit from the diversity and depth of our programs. The Department of Eastern Medicine & Surgery reaffirms its commitment and dedication to serve people in health care sector with utmost zeal. The Department of Eastern Medicine (DEM) in response to the growing needs of health management is determined to provide the knowledge and infrastructure to develop Eastern Medicine and to wide its applications. We pray to Allah to bless our endeavors (Aameen)

Eastern Medicine is practiced today in Pakistan, India, China, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. It is deep rooted in understanding the body as a whole and its treatment by natural way integrating it with the currently available diagnostic aids. Eastern Medicine today is contributing many clinical skills and it is cost effective and relatively its medicines are free of chronic side effects in recommended dosage forms |
Mission & Vission
Message From HOD
Duration: 5 Years
Duration: 5 Years
M.Phil Eastern Medicine & Surgery
Duration: 2 Years
Duration: 2 Years