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Directorate of Advanced Studies and Semester Affairs


Directorate of Advanced Studies and Semester Affairs (DAS&SA) came into existence along with the University of Poonch, Rawalakot Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJ&K) in April, 2012. The Directorate consists of two components i.e. i) Advanced Studies and Research; and ii) Semester Affairs. The mission of the DAS&SA is to promote higher education and scientific training, establish a strong research culture, within a dynamic, efficient and effective team of scientists and researchers. The Directorate tries to motivate the Faculty to play an active role to plan, strategize and to materialize the vision and mission of the University of Pooch, Rawalakot AJ&K. In addition, the DAS&SA welcomes and creates good working relationship with other higher learning institutions, industries and donor agencies especially HEC, PSF, NIBGE, NARC, Agriculture Universities in Pakistan in the activities that can enhance entrepreneurship, academic and research excellence.


  • To process approval of new/revised postgraduate courses through Advanced Studies and Research Board (AS&RB).
  • Processing of applications for admission to M.Sc., M.Phil. and Ph.D. courses in different departments.
  • Checking of enrolment forms of postgraduate students in each semester.
  • Scrutiny of the synopsis/thesis, course work programmes and supervisory committees of M.Sc., M.Phil. and Ph.D. students and arranging their approval by AS&RB.
  • Scrutiny of the theses of postgraduate students to ensure their proper format as laid down by AS&RB.
  • To organize and coordinate national/international seminars, conferences, meetings etc. at the campus.
  • Preparation of agenda and conduct of meetings of AS&RB.
  • The directorate coordinates the teaching and research work in the subjects assigned to the Faculty and acts on the advice of the respective Board of Studies.
  • The AS&RB looks after the promotion of advanced studies and research in the University.
  • To deal with all matters connected with the semester enrolment/semester extension of postgraduates in the University.