Department of English
The Department of English was established in 2013. The department offers BS English and M.A English programs in Linguistics and Literature. BS English is a four year program which aims at producing well- rounded young professionals with sound knowledge of linguistics and literature. M.A English is a two year program which builds sound foundation of the students and foregrounds them for research in their chosen fields of interest. The department offers a wide range of courses keeping in view the importance of both traditional and innovative trends regarding English Language and Literature. The main focus of the department is to cater to the need of the country and most specifically to the need of the state of Azad Jammu & Kashmir for English Graduates; and to provide quality education and rigorous training in the fields of English Language and Literature, Theoretical and applied linguistics and Research. In this context M.A English and BS English are the leading programs offered by the department.
Credit Hours :
Duration :
8 to 10 Semester
Eligibility :
FA/ FSC/ FCS with atleast 45% marks

Mission & Vission
Message From HOD
BS English
Duration: 4 Years
Duration: 4 Years