The Department of Pathobiology at University of Poonch Rawalakot is a major sub-discipline in the Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences since 2011. The department of Pathobiology have three sub-sections viz i) Pathology ii) Microbiology and iii) Parasitology. This Department not only gives an in-depth knowledge to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students at undergraduate level but also plays an important role in offering the undergraduate B.S. Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT) program. The newly emerging field of Medical Laboratory Technology will equip the human hospitals with skilled professionals specifically trained for diagnostic laboratories jobs throughout the country.
Pathology: Ist most important sub-section of Department of Pathobiology is Pathology. It is the study of the process of disease, and it plays a major role in every aspect of health and medicine, therefore our expertise are wide and our roles are diverse. We can be found at the microscope consulting with clinicians about diagnostic changes and we see in tissues or cells of an ailing dog. In the field we dissect a dead animal, in order to find the cause of death and help the farmer protect the rest of the herd.The pathology sub-section has state of the art laboratory and Post-Mortem facility We can be found in the laboratory, performing experiments to further understand the disease and develop preventions or cures. In classrooms we introduce veterinary students to the concepts of diseases, and facilitate their foundational understanding of mechanisms of disease. Our pathology sub-section works with species of all varieties - fin, feather, and fur. We study a huge variety of diseases – infectious, environmental, toxic, and neoplastic etc.
Microbiology: Sub-Section of Microbiology was established in 2011 in the Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences with the aim to generate and disseminate scientific knowledge relating to Microbiology. Microbes, minute living things such as bacteria, viruses and fungi are the most abundant species on our planet. Regardless of microscopic size, microbes affect the world of human beings in monumental ways, colonize humans, animals and sustain their physiology, ranging from infectious diseases to healthful livings and from food production to waste treatment. The solution to many of the pressing challenges at global level, such as antimicrobial resistance; the emergence of new infectious diseases and the health of our planet’s ecosystem rely upon broadening the horizon of discoveries coming from basic Microbiology research and exploration.
To meet the mission of skill development, research, education and translational opportunity, Microbiology Sub-Section is offering Microbiology courses to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M.), Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT) and Nutrition and Dietetics students. The Microbiology Sub-Section of department of Pathobiology is well equipped with modern tools of Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Cell Culture and the Lab animal facilities.
Parasitology: The third most important sub-section of department of Pathobiology is parasitology and is engaged in basic & applied research for better understanding of parasitic problems of various hosts and their control. Department is well equipped with under graduate Laboratory facilities imparting diagnostic services to livestock farmers, Field Level Diagnostic facility for protozoan, Helminthic infections and ecto-parasitic infestation.

The Department of Pathobiology at University of Poonch Rawalakot was established in 2011 as a one of the major discipline of Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences.
Mission & Vission
- Providing leadership and excellence in disease diagnosis through innovative research and pioneering clinical activity
- Improvement in the health of livestock through early diagnosis of diseases and providing clients comprehensive diagnostic laboratory services.
- Playing a major role under one health initiative to eradicate zoonotic diseases from areas of Kashmir and Pakistan.
- Establishing tumour diagnosis facility in the department of pathology for early diagnosis of neoplastic conditions in livestock and humans
- Establishment of disease reference bank with gross, microscopic and molecular labs from across the country
- Establishment of a state of the art toxicopathological laboratory
- Control of Parasites through (a)Development of anti-parasitic vaccine(s) (b)Screening of indigenous flora for anti-parasitic Phyto-compounds(c) Biological control of zoonotic parasites and diseases (d) control of food borne parasitic diseases (e) Ethano-Veterinary Practices (f) Understanding of Host-Parasite Interaction (g) integrated strategies for control of parasitic diseases under One Health umbrella (h) Climate Change on Parasitism (i) Exploration and control of new parasites.
- Control of microbial diseases with respect to one health and zoonosis
- Development of commercial diagnostic tests/Kit(s) for diagnosis of pathogenic bacteria, viruses etc.
Message From HOD
The Department of Pathobiology fulfills essential role in teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students, along with disease diagnosis in poultry, pets, domestic and wild animals. Pathobiology provides the critical link between the basic and clinical sciences. The department is dedicated to disseminate the knowledge of diagnosis and control of diseases. Here we emphasize on understanding the pathobiological mechanisms of infectious diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites and their vectors. Our dynamic faculty includes leading experts in host pathogen interaction, Molecular pathogenesis, Poultry Pathobiology, Diagnostic and Clinical Pathobiology.
Duration: 5 Years
Duration: 5 Years
DVS (Animal)
Duration: 4 Years
Duration: 4 Years
BS(Biological Sciences)
Duration: 4 Years
Duration: 4 Years