Dr Saira Ishaq

Assistant Professor (Ph.D.)

Dr Saira Ishaq

Assistant Professor (Ph.D.)

Research Area: Post Harvest Technology
Degree Major University Start Date End Date
Ph.D. Food Science and Technology University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Muzaffarabad January 2010 January 2013
Designation Organization Duration
Assistant Professor UPR October 2021 - September 2022
Lecturer UPR July 2019 - September 2021
Assistant Professor UPR March 2018 - September 2019
Title Description Sponsoring Agency Amount Year
Evaluation of food safety hygiene condition in street food area of Rawalakot Poonch AJK Food safety 0.455 million
Designation Department Organization From Date To Date
Membership Food Society of Scientist and Technologist
Membership Pak Pure-line Food Safety & Safety Solutions
Description Year DOI
Ishaq S., H. A. Rathore, T. Masud and S. Ali, 2009. Influence of post harvest calcium chloride application, ethylene absorbent and modified atmosphere on quality characteristics and shelf Life of Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) fruit during storage. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 8 (6): 861-865. Category Y
Ishaq S., H. A. Rathore and M. S. Awan, 2009. The studies on the physic-chemical and orgenoleptic characteristics of Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) Produce in Rawalakot, Azad Jammu and Kashmir during storage. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 8(6):856-860. Category Y
Ishaq S., H. A. Rathore, S. M. Sabir and S. Maroof 2015. Antioxidant properties of Elaeagnus umbellata berry solvent extracts against lipid peroxidation in mice brain and liver tissues. Food Sci. Biotechnol., 24(2): 673-679. IF 0.699
Ishaq S., H. A. Rathore, M. S. Maroof, M. S. Awan, I. Hussain, I. Hayat and B. Fazal, 2016. Influences of edible coating on the quality and sensory attributes of Elaeagnus umbellate berry fruit. Asian Journal of Chemistry, Volume 28(4), 703-706. Category Z
Rasheed M., I. Hussain, S. Rafiq, I. Hayat, A. Qayyum, S. Ishaq and MS Awan, 2018. Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of quince fruit pulp collected from different locations. International Journal of Food Properties, 21(1): 2320–2327. IF 1.398
Sadiq S., H. A. Rathore, Maroof S. and S. Ishaq, 2019. Effect of edible chitosan coating on postharvest life of carrot (Daucus carota L.). Plant Sci. Arc. 2(1): 30-41. Category Z
Khurshid S., H. A. Rathore, Maroof S. and S. Ishaq, 2019. Effect of different storage conditions on physico-chemical composition and shelf life of persimmon fruit. Plant Sci. Arc. 2(1): 21-29. Category Z 10 Sadiq S., H. A. Rathore, Maroof S. and S. Ishaq, 2019. Effect of edible chitosan coating on postharvest life of carrot (Daucus carota L.). Plant Sci. Arc. 2(1): 30-41. Category Z
Maroof S., H. A. Rathore, S. Ishaq, I. Hussain and S. Arif, 2019. Quality assessment of stored watercress (Nasturtium oficinale R.Br.) vegetable at freezing temperature. International Journal of Biosciences, 14(2): 121-133.
S. Ishaq, S. Maroof, H.A. Rathore, I. Hussain, R. Saima, B. Fazal and M.A. Iqbal 2020. Effect of processing techniques Faculty Resume on quality, sensory and Histological attributes of watercress (nasturtium oficinale R.Br.) Pak. J.Sci.Vol. 72:54-60 Category Z
Iqbal, M.A., A. Hamid, H. Muzammil, H.S., H. Imtiaz, A. Tanveer, I. Saira, and A. Anser, 2019. A Meta-Analysis of the impact of foliar feeding of micronutrients on productivity and revenue generation of forage crops. Planta Daninha, 37: 1-8. IF 0.791
Iqbal, M.A., A. Hamid, H. Imtiaz, M. Rizwan, M. Imran, U.A.A. Sheikh, I. Saira, 2020. CACTUS PEAR: A Weed Of Dry-Lands For Supplementing Food Security Under Changing Climate. Planta Daninha, Doi: 10.1590/S0100- 83582020380100040 IF 0.620
Iqbal, M.A., H. Imtiaz, A. Hamid, A. Bilal, I. Saira, and M. Imran, 2021. Soybean herbage yield, nutritional value and profitability under integrated manures management. Crop Science, An Acad. Bras. Cienc. 93(1): e20181384 DAI 10.1590/0001-365202120181384. IF 1.28
Iqbal, M.A., Sadaf Khalid, Raees Ahmed, Muhammad Zubair Khan, Nagina Rafique, Raina Ijaz, Saira Ishaq, Muhammad Jamil, Aqeel Ahmad, Amjad Shahzad Gondal, Muhammad Imran, Junaid Rahim and Umar Ayaz Aslam Sheikh. (2022).Underutilized Grasses Production: New Evolving Perspectives. Editor: Iqbal M.A. Grasses and grassland:New perspectives. Intech open Ltd. London. Pages: 1-19.DOI:10.5772/intechopen.105375 BOOK CHAPTER