Dr. Adeeba Khan


Dr. Adeeba Khan


Research Area: Leadership & OB
About Me

Dr. Adeeba Khan holds Ph.D. – in Management Sciences From (Capital University of Science and Technology, Islamabad ), MS- Management Sciences From (Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Islamabad) – with Majors in Human Resource Management. She joined University of Poonch, since 2021 as an Assistant Professor. Dr. Adeeba Khan has six years of teaching, research and training, experience. She has published articles in refereed academic journals to her credit. She has also presented number of research paper at academic /professional conferences nationally and internationally. She is a HEC approved supervisor.

Degree Major University Start Date End Date
PhD Human Resource Management Capital University of Science and Technology, Islamabad November 2013 September 2019
Designation Organization Duration
Title Description Sponsoring Agency Amount Year
Designation Department Organization From Date To Date
Description Year DOI
Khan, Naqvi, Athar, Imran & Naveed Does perceive organizational support moderate in the relationship between stigmatized individuals and deviant workplace behavior.Elementary Education Online,(20)2.975-98 HEC(X-Category) 2021 doi: 10.17051/ilkonline.2021.02.109
Khan ,Naqvi &Qureshi DISCLOSURE TUBERCULOSIS STIGMATIZED IDENTITIES AND ITS WORKPLACE IMPLICATIONS IN PAKISTAN.ISSN. The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences 2357-1330 AIMC 2018. Asia International Multidisciplinary Conference 2019 https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2019.05.02.10
Khan & Naqvi Experienced tuberculosis stigmatized employees and their deviant workplace behavior, Journal of Managerial Sciences,(XII)4 HEC(Y Category) 2018
Khan & Naqvi The Impact of Internalized Stigma at Workplace through Interlinking Mechanism of Self-Esteem in Pakistan. Journal of Managerial Sciences, XI(3) HEC (Y=Category) 2017