Junaid Babar


Junaid Babar


Research Area:
Degree Major University Start Date End Date
MPhil Pakistan Studies Quaid -i- Azam University Islamabad February 2014 August 2016
BA( Hons) Political Science GCU Lahore September 2009 September 2013
Designation Organization Duration
Lecturer UPR November 2019 - July 2024
Visiting Lecturer Quaid-i- Azam University Islamabad February 2017 - November 2019
Title Description Sponsoring Agency Amount Year
Designation Department Organization From Date To Date
Description Year DOI
*Junaid Babar Changing Political Trends in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: A Case Study of Malakand (1968- 2013) his paper delineates political and cultural shifts in the Malakand district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan. The paper challenges dominant perceptions and discourses about the people of KP in the post 9/11 context and presents an alternative version of history and politics. It traces the history of peasant movements and indigenous resistance (1968-1977) for gaining social, economic, and political equality. It is argued that state policies, the influence of regional and global powers hav 2020 https://doi.org/10.36902/sjesr-vol3-iss2-2020(151-159)
Khan, F., Babar, J., & Hussain, Z. Structure, Function and Historical Importance of Watermills in the Swat Valley The paper deals with the architecture and function of watermills in Swat valley. Watermill is a seldom-used term; however, it has played a significant role in the socio-cultural and economic lives of people in the past. This research work explores the case study of water mills in the Swat region. It examined in detail its processing and operation. The watermill was not only an instrument used for grinding purposes but also determined the mode of production, class system and social values of 2020 10.31703/gssr.2020(V-III).25