Dr Gull e laala Khan

Assistant Professor

Dr Gull e laala Khan

Assistant Professor

Research Area: Molecular Mycology, Bioinformatics, Transcriptomic Analysis, Seed & Postharvest Pathology, Gene Sequencing and Phylogenetics, Bio-management of Fungal Diseases, Mushroom Cultivation.
About Me

My research addresses current issues and concerns related to fungal diseases of fruit crops. The scope of my research ranges from pathogen detection to sustainable eco-friendly management tactics, transcriptomic analysis, multi-locus gene sequencing and fungal genomics. My research expertise also include mushroom biology & cultivation of edible fungi. I have patents under IPO promoting innovations and enhancing economic status of perishable produce. Moreover, I am teaching a broad range of courses at graduate and post-graduate level, including, Integrated Plant Disease Management, Plant Disease Resistance, Mycology, Advances in Plant Pathology, Seed & Postharvest Pathology, Bioinformatics in Plant Pathology, Transcriptomics, Plant Quarantine & SPS Measures, Biology & Cultivation of Edible Fungi, Plant Pathology and Environmental Concerns, Scientific Writing and Professional Communication skills.

Degree Major University Start Date End Date
Designation Organization Duration
Title Description Sponsoring Agency Amount Year
Designation Department Organization From Date To Date
Description Year DOI
Ansar Mehmood, Abd ur Rehman Khalid, Muhammad Abdul Rauf Khan, Gull-e-laala Khan, Khuwaja Shafeeq Ahmed and Asad Ghulam Nabi Green Synthesis of silver nanoparticles for their antifungal activity against anthracnose disease causing Colletotrichum capsici Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnolgy. IF: 4.8 2024 http://doi.org/10.1016/j.bcab.2024.103178
Gull-e-laala, Gulshan Irshad, Farah Naz, Ashfaq Ahmed Hafiz Microencapsulation of Eucalyptus globulus essential oil anti-fungal sachet against blue mold on peaches Journal of Plant Protection Research. IF: 1.15. DOI: https://doi.org/10.24425/jppr.2023.147826 2023 DOI: https://doi.org/10.24425/jppr.2023.147826
Gull-e-laala, Gulshan Irshad, Farah Naz, Ashfaq Ahmed Hafiz Suppression of Fusarium sporotrichioides initiating peach fruit rot with microencapsulated antifungal sachet of clove essential oil tablets European Journal of Plant Pathology. Impact Fcator 2.25 2023 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10658-023-02771-3
Gull-e-laala Khan*, Gulshan Irshad, Raina Ijaz, Nagina Rafiq, Sajid Mehmood, Usman Raja, Abd-ur-Rehman Khalid, Farah Naz, Nayla Haneef, Saiqa Bashir, Amna Maqsood and Amar Mehmood. Essential Oils Based Nano-formulations against Postharvest Fungal Rots IntechOpen Book: Essential Oils-Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Applications 2023 DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.113834
Gull-e-laala Khan, Gulshan Irshad, Mark L. Gleason, Farah Naz, Derrick Mayfield and Akmaral Shokanova First report of Fusarium sporotrichioides causing Fusarium fruit rot on peaches in Pakistan Plant Disease Journal Impact Factor 4.614 2023 Plant Disease, http://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-08-22-1910-PDN
Kashf Wajid, Gull-e-laala, Nayla Haneef, Abdul Rehman Khalid, Gulshan Irshad, Shawal Shakeel and Nigarish Saghir SCREENING OF SYSTEMIC FUNGICIDES AGAINST FUSARIUM VERTICILLOIDE INITIATING STALK ROT OF MAIZE Journal of Biomaterials and Bio Products Technology ISSN: 2790-2595 (Print), 2790-2609 (Online) http://www.jbbt.org 2023 ISSN: 2790-2595 (Print), 2790-2609 (Online)
Shawal Shakeel, Gull-e-laala, Nayla Haneef, Gul-e-Raian Ijaz, Gulshan Irshad, Ammar Mehmood, Kashf Wajid and Nigarish Saghir EVALUATING EFFICACY OF TRICHODERMA HARZIANUM, T. VIRIDE & T. ASPERELLUM AGAINST DRY ROT OF POTATO IN PAKISTAN Journal of Biomaterials and Bio Products Technology ISSN: 2790-2595 (Print), 2790-2609 (Online) http://www.jbbt.org 2023 http://www.jbbt.org
Nigarish Saghir, Nayla Haneef, Gull-e-laala, Gul-e-Raina Ijaz, Gulshan Irshad, Iram Hafeez, Zobia Jabeen, Kashf Wajid and Shawal Shakeel. EVALUATION OF SYSTEMIC FUNGICIDES AGAINST COLLETOTRICHUM FALCATUM CAUSING RED ROT OF SUGARCANE Journal of Biomaterials and Bio Products Technology ISSN: 2790-2595 (Print), 2790-2609 (Online) http://www.jbbt.org 2023 http://www.jbbt.org
Gull-e-laala, Gulshan Irshad, Mark L Gleason, Jose F Gonzalez, Farah Naz, and Sidra Khursheed Identification and biologically based management of post-harvest spoilage fungi of peaches. (Plant health International Conference USA). Phytopathology. IF: 4.01. Volume 112, No 11. 57-58 pp. 2022 https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-112-11-S3.1
Gull-e-laala, Muhammad Usman Raja, Gulshan Irshad, Abida Akram Mushrooms of order Polyporales in District Poonch, AJK Journal of Biomaterial and Bioproduct Technology. Volume 2. Issue 4 2022 ISSN PRINT 2790-2595 ISSN Online 2790-2609
Hassan, M., Irshad, G., Haq, M. I., Khan, M. A., & Gull-e-laala. Characterization and Evaluation of Fungal Flora Associated with Aflatoxins in Dry Plum by High Performance Liquid Chromatography Jbbt.org/ Journal articles. Volume 2, Issue 3. https://jbbt.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Hassan.pdf 2022 https://jbbt.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/
Gull-e-laala, Gulshan Irshad, Farah Naz, Ashfaq Ahmed Hafiz Plant essential oils used against post-harvest fungal infections in peaches Journal of Plant Pathology and Microbiology 2021 http:// Journal of Plant Pathology and Microbiology ISSN: 2157-7471
Gull-e-laala, Muhammad Usman Raja, Syed Riaz Gardezi, Gulshan Irshad, Abida Akram Four species of True Morels (Morchella) Recorded from Poonch District (Azad Jammu and Kashmir) Journal of Horticultural Sciences and Technology. ISSN: 2617- 3220. 2020 http://Journal of Horticultural Sciences and Technology. ISSN: 2617- 3220
Gull-e-laala, Muhammad Usman Raja, Syed Riaz Gardezi, Gulshan Irshad, Abida Akram Study of Macro Fungi belonging to order Agaricales of district Poonch AJK Journal of Pure and Applied Biology. 8(1): 27-33 2018 http://Journal of Pure and Applied Biology. 8(1): 27-33