Gender Equality

Gender equality has advanced significantly since the establishment of International Women’s Day. Universities have also played a beneficial role in this journey in a variety of ways. The fundamental idea of gender equality is that persons of all genders should have the same opportunities, rights, and obligations. Societies that equally regard women and men are more wealthy economically, safer, and healthier. However, gender inequality affects everyone, including men, women, transgender, kids, families, and ethnic groups. Owing to the critical importance of gender equality, the University of Poonch Rawalakot (UPR) is committed to creating a working environment where all of its members—faculty, staff, and students—are safe and equal, have equal access to power, resources, and opportunities, and are treated with dignity, respect, and fairness. According to the UPR's Act-2014 section-5, the University shall be open to all persons of either gender and of whatever religion, race, creed, class, or colour.



5.3.1 Tracking Access Measures

Systematically measure and track women’s application rate, and acceptance or entry rate.


5.3.2 Policy for women applications and entry

Provide women’s access schemes, including mentoring, scholarships, or other provision.


5.3.3 Women's access schemes

Provide women’s access schemes, including mentoring, scholarships, or other provision.


5.3.4 Women’s application in underrepresented subjects

Encourage applications by women in subjects where they are underrepresented.


5.6.1 Policy of non-discrimination against women

This indicator looks at policy and action to support women success at University .


5.6.2 Non-discrimination policies for transgender

This indicator looks at policy and action to support transgender success at University .


5.6.3 Maternity and paternity policies

This indicator looks at policy and action to support women success at University.


5.6.6 Women’s mentoring schemes

This indicator looks at policy and action to support women success at Women’s mentoring schemes.


5.6.7 Track women’s graduation rate

This indicator looks at tracking of women’s likelihood of graduating compared to men’s,and schemes in place to close any gap.


5.6.8 Policies protecting those reporting discrimination

This indicator looks to protects those reporting discrimination from educational or employment disadvantage.