Dr Naveed Iqbal

Assistant Professor (PhD)

Dr Naveed Iqbal

Assistant Professor (PhD)

Research Area: Phytochemical analysis of medicinal plants
About Me

Dr. Naveed Iqbal joined the Department of Chemistry, University of Poonch Rawalakot as Assistant Professor (TTS) since 30/0/2017. He has completed his PhD from ICCBS, HEJRIC Karach, Karachi University in April 2015 in the field of Organic Chemistry. During the last five and half years of his services in the Department of Chemistry, he has taught courses in various programs such as BS, M.Phil. and PhD. Dr. Naveed Iqbal has successfully supervised 25 M.Phil. students. Currently he is supervising 03 M.Phil. and 05 Ph.D. students. In total, he has published 34 research articles in journals of international repute with impact factor more than 130. He has been awarded with 01 research project by the HEC under NRPU worth PkR, 5.3 million in 2023.

Degree Major University Start Date End Date
PhD Chemistry HEJ ICCBS Karachi University, Karachi January 2008 January 2015
Designation Organization Duration
Assistant Professor University of Poonch Rawalakot October 2017 - July 2024
Title Description Sponsoring Agency Amount Year
“Synthesis of 1,2,4-Triazole Based Aromatase Inhibitors to Target Possible Breast Cancer Cell Lines Synthesis of Anti-Cancer drugs 5.3 million
Designation Department Organization From Date To Date
Assistant Professor Chemistry University of Poonch Rawalakot December, 2016 May, 2023
Description Year DOI
Rahim. F., Muhammad. T, Naveed I, Shawkat. H, Faiza. Q, Imad. U, Khalid. Z, Abdur. R, Abdul. W, Nizam. U, Muhammad. N, Syed. A. A. S, Khalid. M. K. Isatin based thiosemicarbazide derivatives as potential inhibitor of α-glucosidase, synthesis and their molecular docking study. Journal of Molecular Structure 1222: 128922. 2020 doi.org/10.1016/j.bioorg.2021.104638 IF (5.30)
Jan. N. U, Amjad. A, Bashir. A, Naveed. I, Achyut. A, Abid. A, Safdar. A, Azra. J, Hamid A, Ijaz. A, Anwar. U, Syed. G M. Evaluation of antidiabetic potential of steroidal alkaloid of Sarcococca saligna. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 100, 461-466. 2018 doi.org/10.1016/j.biopha.2018.01.008 IF (7.4)
Ali, H., Ali, Nurul. K, Akhtar. M, Mohammad. R. S, Syed. G. M, Naveed. I, Said. N. Hautriwaic acid as one of the hepatoprotective constituent of Dodonaea viscosa. Phytomedicine 21: (2), 131-140. 2014 doi.org/10.1016/j.phymed.2013.08.019 IF (6.65)
Musharraf. S. G., Naveed. I, Umair. G, Azhar. A, Muhammad. I. C. Effective separation and analysis of E-and Z-guggulsterones in Commiphora mukul resin, guggulipid and their pharmaceutical product by high performance thin-layer chromatography Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis. 56: (2), 240-245 2011 doi.org/10.1016/j.jpba.2011.05.021 IF (3.57)