Dr Faiza Rehman

Assistant Professor (Ph.D.)

Dr Faiza Rehman

Assistant Professor (Ph.D.)

Research Area: Radiation Chemistry
About Me

Dr. Faiza Rehman joined the Department of Chemistry, University of Poonch Rawalakot as Assistant Professor (TTS) since 02/11/2017. Before, joining University of Poonch Rawalakot, she worked as Incharge and an Assistant Professor in the department of chemistry, University of Chakwal for two (02) years. She has completed her PhD from NCE in Physical Chemistry, UOP 2015 in the field of Physical Chemistry. During the last five and half year of her services in the Department of Chemistry, she has taught BS, M.Phil. and PhD courses. Dr. Faiza Rehman has successfully supervised 14 M.Phil. students as a supervisor and as a member. While 02 M.Phil. thesis students are currently under her supervision. In total, she has published 25 research articles in journals of international repute with impact factor more than hundred (100). She has also published 03 Patents during this period.

Degree Major University Start Date End Date
Ph.D. Physical Chemistry NCEPC, Peshawar January 2013 January 2015
Designation Organization Duration
Assistant Professor University of Poonch November 2017 - May 2023
Title Description Sponsoring Agency Amount Year
Designation Department Organization From Date To Date
Description Year DOI