Dr. Qamar Din

Professor (Ph.D.)

Dr. Qamar Din

Professor (Ph.D.)

Research Area: Dynamical Systems
About Me

Dr. Qamar Din received Ph.D. degree in discrete approximations and optimization of evolution inclusions and equations from Abdus Salam School of Mathematical Science, GC University, Lahore, Pakistan, in 2012. He is now a Tenured Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics, University of Poonch Rawalakot, Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Pakistan. His current research interests include stability analysis, bifurcation analysis and chaos control in discrete-time systems. During the subsequent academic career, qualitative behavior of discrete-time dynamical systems has been the main theme of his research and teaching. His research, review and supervision achievements are given as follows: Research Achievements: During his professional experience (July 2012 to Present), he has published approximately 115 research articles in reputed international journals in which approximately 95 publications are in journals having impact factors. The accumulative impact factor of his research papers is approximately 250. Most of his published articles are cited by leading researchers of the world which are closely working in his area of research. According to Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com.pk/citations?user=srR8ouEAAAAJ&hl=en), up to now he has approximately 2128 citations of his published articles. According to ResearchGate (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Qamar_Din2/publications), his Research Interest Score is 1616. Furthermore, according to ResearchGate, his h-index is 27. Peer Review Achievements: He has reviewed several research articles for reputed international journals. According to Web of Science ( https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/E-6606-2014), he has reviewed more than 235 research papers for international reputed journals. Moreover, according to Publons record he has received the following two awards during 2018: • Publons Peer Review Award 2018 for placing in the top 1% of reviewers in Mathematics. • Publons Peer Review Award 2018 for placing in the top 1% of reviewers in Multidisciplinary. Supervision Achievements: So far, he has supervised 50 M. Phil. Scholars and 02 Ph. D. Scholars have completed their research works under his co-supervision. Editorial Board Memberships: He is Academic Editor of the journal “Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine”.

Degree Major University Start Date End Date
Ph.D. Mathematics Abdus Salam School of Mathematical Sciences, GC University, Lahore, Pakistan January 2007 January 2012
Designation Organization Duration
Associate Professor (Tenured) University of Poonch Rawalakot March 2020 - November -0001
Assistant Professor (TTS) University of Poonch Rawalakot March 2014 - March 2020
Assistant Professor University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad July 2012 - March 2014
Title Description Sponsoring Agency Amount Year
Some novel classes of predator-prey interaction with non-overlapping generations: stability......... NRPU Rs 2424200
Designation Department Organization From Date To Date
Associate Professor (Tenured) University of Poonch Rawalakot, Azad Kashmir
Description Year Journal Name Impact Factor
M. S. Shabbir, Q. Din, W. F. Alfwzan, M. De la Sen The qualitative analysis of host–parasitoid model with inclusion of spatial refuge effect Axioms, 12(3)(2023): 290
DOI : https://doi.org/10.3390/axioms12030290
Q. Din, U. Saeed Stability, discretization, and bifurcation analysis for a chemical reaction system MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 90(1)(2023), 151-174
DOI : 10.46793/match.90-1.151D
W. Ishaque, Q. Din, M. Taj Mutual interference and its effects on searching efficiency between predator-prey interaction with bifurcation analysis and chaos control Journal of Vibration and Control, 29(5-6)(2023), 1031–1045
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1177/10775463211056475
Q. Din, W. Ishaque, I. Maqsood, A. Tounsi Discretization of laser model with bifurcation analysis and chaos control Advances in Nano Research, 15(1): 25-34
DOI : 10.12989/anr.2023.15.1.025
M. A. Khan, Q. Din Codimension-one and codimension-two bifurcations of a fractional-order cubic autocatalator chemical reaction system MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, In Press 2023
W. Ishaque, Q. Din, K. A. Khan, R. M. Mabela Dynamics of predator-prey model based on fear effect with bifurcation analysis and chaos control Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, In Press 2023
Q. Din, W. Ishaque, M. A. Iqbal, U. Saeed Modification of Nicholson-Bailey model under refuge effects with stability, bifurcation and chaos control Journal of Vibration and Control, 28(23-24)(2022), 3524-3538 2022
Q. Din, M. S. Shabbir, M. A. Khan A Cubic Autocatalator Chemical Reaction Model with Limit Cycle Analysis and Consistency Preserving Discretization MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 87(2)(2022), 441-462 2022
Q. Din Dynamics and Hopf Bifurcation of a Chaotic Chemical Reaction Model MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 88(2)(2022), 351-369 2022
EM Elsayed, Q. Din, NA Bukhary Theoretical and numerical analysis of solutions of some systems of nonlinear difference equations AIMS Mathematics, 7(8)(2022): 15532-15549 2022
A. Tassaddiq, M. S. Shabbir, Q. Din, H. Naaz Discretization, bifurcation, and control for a predator–prey model Fractal and Fractional, 6(1)(2022): 31 2022
U. Saeed, S. Idrees, K. Javed, Q. Din Krawtchouk wavelets method for solving Caputo and Caputo–Hadamard fractional differential equations Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 45(17)(2022), 11331-11354 2022
Q. Din, MA Zulfiqar Qualitative behavior of a discrete predator-prey system under fear effects Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung A, 77(11)(2022), 1023-1043 2022
Q. Din Complex dynamical behavior and control of a discrete ecological model Journal of Vibration and Control, in press
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1177/10775463221133427
S. S. Zhou, H. Jahanshahi, Q. Din, et al. Discrete-time macroeconomic system: Bifurcation analysis and synchronization using fuzzy-based activation feedback control Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 142(2021): 110378 2021
U. Saeed, Mujeeb ur Rehman, K. Javed, Q. Din, S. Haider Fractional Gegenbauer wavelets operational matrix method for solving nonlinear fractional differential equations Mathematical Sciences, 15(2021), 83-97 2021
Q. Din, A. M. Yousef, A. A. Elsadany Stability and bifurcation analysis of a discrete singular bioeconomic system Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2021(2021): 6679161 2021
M. Taj, M. A. Khadimallah, M. Hussain, Y. Rashid, W. Ishaque, S. R. Mahmoud, Q. Din, et al. Discretization and bifurcation analysis of tumor immune interaction in fractional form Advances in Nano Research, 10(4)(2021), 359-371 2021
M. Ozair, Q. Din, T. Donchev, T. Hussain Stability, control and discretization for a smoking model Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 49(1)(2021), 25 – 382 2021
Q. Din, M. I. Khan A discrete-time model for consumer-resource interaction with stability, bifurcation and chaos control Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems,20(2) (2021), 1-35 2021
Q. Din Dynamics and chaos control for a novel model incorporating plant quality index and larch budmoth interaction Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 153(2021): 111595 2021
M. S. Khan, Q. Din, M. Habiab, M. A. Khan Stability analysis of a system of second order rational difference equations Computational Ecology and Software, 10(2)(2020): 44-58 2020
M. S. Shabbir, Q. Din, R. Alabdan, et al., Dynamical complexity in a class of novel discrete-time predator-prey interaction with cannibalism IEEE Access, 8(2020), 100226 – 100240 2020
M. B. Ajaz, U. Saeed, Q. Din, I. Ali, M. I. Siddiqui Bifurcation analysis and chaos control in discrete-time modified Leslie–Gower prey harvesting model Advances in Difference Equations, 2020(1)(2020): 45 2020
Q. Din, W. Ishaque Bifurcation analysis and chaos control in discrete-time eco–epidemiological models of pelicans at risk in the Salton Sea International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 8(2020), 132-148 2020
X. Ma, Q. Din, M. Rafaqat, N. Javaid, Y. Feng A density-dependent host-parasitoid model with stability, bifurcation and chaos control Mathematics, 8(2020): 536 2020
M. Shakeel, M. Asad Iqbal, Q. Din, Q. Mahmood-Ul- Hassan, K. Ayub New exact solutions for coupled nonlinear system of ion sound and Langmuir waves Indian Journal of Physics, 94 (2020), 885–894 2020
A. A. Elsadany, Q. Din, S. M. Salman Qualitative properties and bifurcations of discrete-time Bazykin-Berezovskaya predator-prey model International Journal of Biomathematics, 13(06)(2020): 2050040 2020
Y. Lin, Q. Din, M. Rafaqat, et al. Dynamics and chaos control for a discrete-time Lotka-Volterra model IEEE Access, 8(2020), 126760-126775 2020
M. S. Shabbir, Q. Din, K. Ahmad, et al. Bifurcation and chaos control of a novel discrete-time model involving Allee effect and cannibalism Advances in Difference Equations, 2020(2020): 379 2020
Z. Chen, Q. Din, M. Rafaqat, et al. Discrete-time predator-prey interaction with selective harvesting and predator self-limitation Journal of Mathematics, 2020(2020): 6737098 2020
Q. Din, K. Haider Discretization, bifurcation analysis and chaos control for Schnakenberg model Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 58(8)(2020), 1615-1649 2020
Q. Din, N. Saleem, M. S. Shabbir A class of discrete predator-prey interaction with bifurcation analysis and chaos control Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 15(2020): 60 2020
A. Tassaddiq, M. S. Shabbir, Q. Din, et al. A ratio-dependent nonlinear predator-prey model with certain dynamical results IEEE Access, 8(2020), 195074-195088 2020
M. A. Khan, M. S. Shabbir, Q. Din, K. Ahmad Chaotic behavior of harvesting Leslie-Gower predator-prey model Computational Ecology and Software, 9(3)(2019), 67-88 2019
M. S. Khan, M. A. Khan, M. S. Shabbir, Q. Din Stability, bifurcation and chaos control in a discrete-time prey-predator model with Holling type-II response Network Biology, 9(3)(2019), 58-77 2019
I. Dekkar, N. Touafek, Q. Din On the global dynamics of a rational difference equation with periodic coefficients Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 60(1-2)(2019), 567-588 2019
I. Ali, U. Saeed, Q. Din Bifurcation analysis and chaos control in discrete-time system of three competing species Arabian Journal of Mathematics, 8(2019), 1-14 2019
E. M. Elsayed, Q. Din Period-doubling and Neimark-Sacker bifurcations of plant-herbivore models Advances in Difference Equations, 2019(2019): 271 2019
W. Ishaque, Q. Din, M. Taj, M. A. Iqbal Bifurcation and chaos control in a discrete-time predator-prey model with nonlinear saturated incidence rate and parasite interaction Advances in Difference Equations, 2019(2019): 28 2019
Ghaus ur Rahman, R. P. Agarwal, Q. Din Mathematical Analysis of Giving up Smoking Model via Harmonic Mean type Incidence Rate Applied Mathematics and Computation, 354(2019), 128-148 2019
Q. Din, M. Asad Iqbal Bifurcation analysis and chaos control for a discrete-time enzyme model Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, 74(1) (2019), 1-14 2019
Q. Din, M. Hussain Controlling chaos and Neimark-Sacker bifurcation in a host-parasitoid model Asian Journal of Control, 21(3)(2019), 1202-1215 2019
Q. Din Stability, bifurcation analysis and chaos control for a predator-prey system Journal of Vibration and Control, 25(3) (2019), 612-626 2019
M. Aqib Abbasi, Q. Din Under the influence of crowding effects: stability, bifurcation and chaos control for a discrete-time predator-prey model International Journal of Biomathematics, 12(04)(2019): 1950044 2019
Q. Din, M. S. Shabbir, M. A. Khan, K. Ahmad Bifurcation analysis and chaos control for a plant-herbivore model with weak predator functional response Journal of Biological Dynamics, 13(1)(2019), 481-501 2019
I. Ali, U. Saeed, Q. Din Bifurcation analysis and chaos control in a discrete-time plant quality and larch budmoth interaction model with Ricker equation Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 42(18) (2019), 7395-7410 2019
M. S. Shabbir, Q. Din, M. Safeer, M. A. Khan, K. Ahmad A dynamically consistent nonstandard finite difference scheme for a predator-prey model Advances in Difference Equations, 2019(2019): 381 2019
Q. Din, E. M. Elabbasy, A. A. Elsadany, S. Ibrahim Bifurcation analysis and chaos control of a second-order exponential difference equation Filomat, 33(15)(2019), 5003–5022 2019
Q. Din, S. Khaliq Flip and Hopf bifurcations of discrete-time Fitzhugh-Nagumo model Open Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2(2018), 209-220 2018
Q. Din Qualitative analysis and chaos control in a density-dependent host-parasitoid system International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 6(2) (2018), 778-798 2018
Q. Din Controlling chaos in a discrete-time prey-predator model with Allee effects International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 6(2) (2018), 858-872 2018
Ghaus ur Rahman, Q. Din, F. Faizullah, F. M. Khan Qualitative Behavior of a Second-Order Fuzzy Difference Equation Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 34(1)(2018), 745-753 2018
Q. Din, T. Donchev, D. Kolev Stability, Bifurcation Analysis and Chaos Control in Chlorine Dioxide-Iodine-Malonic Acid Reaction MATCH-Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 79(3)(2018), 577-606 2018
Q. Din Bifurcation analysis and chaos control in discrete-time glycolysis models Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 56(3)(2018), 904-931 2018
Q. Din, A. A. Elsadany, S. Ibrahim Bifurcation analysis and chaos control in a second-order rational difference equation International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 19(1)(2018), 53-68 2018
T. Ali, M. Adil Khan, A. Kilicman, Q. Din On the Refined Hermite-Hadamard Inequalities Mathematical Sciences and Applications E-Notes, 6 (1) (2018), 85-92 2018
U. Saeed, Mujeeb ur Rehman, Q. Din Differential quadrature method for nonlinear fractional partial differential equations Engineering Computations, 35(6)(2018), 2349-2366 2018
Q. Din A novel chaos control strategy for discrete-time Brusselator models Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 56(10)(2018), 3045-3075 2018
U. Saeed, I. Ali, Q. Din Neimark–Sacker bifurcation and chaos control in discrete-time predator–prey model with parasites Nonlinear Dynamics, 94(4)(2018), 2527-2536 2018
Q. Din Global Stability of Beddington Model Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, 16(2)(2017), 391-415 2017
Q. Din Global stability and Neimark-Sacker bifurcation of a host-parasitoid model International Journal of Systems Science, 48(6)(2017), 1194-1202 2017
Q. Din Dynamics of a host-pathogen model with constant mortality rate Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 22(2)(2017), 173-187 2017
Q. Din, O. A. Gumus, H. Khalil Neimark-Sacker Bifurcation and Chaotic Behaviour of a Modified Host–Parasitoid Model Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, 72(1)(2017), 25-37 2017
Q. Din Neimark-Sacker bifurcation and chaos control in Hassell-Varley model Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, (2017), 23(4), 741-762 2017
Q. Din Complexity and chaos control in a discrete-time prey-predator model Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 49(2017), 113-134 2017
Q. Din, A. A. Elsadany, H. Khalil Neimark-Sacker bifurcation and chaos control in a fractional-order plant-herbivore model Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2017(2017), Article ID 6312964, 1-15 2017
Q. Din, M. Asif Khan Neimark-Sacker bifurcation and chaos control in a modified Nicholson-Bailey model Acta Universitatis Apulensis, 49(2017), 93-109 2017
Q. Din, U. Saeed Bifurcation analysis and chaos control in a host-parasitoid model Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 40(14)(2017), 5391-5406 2017
U. Saeed, M. Ozair, T. Hussain, Q. Din Fractional-Order Vector-Host Disease Model, Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems: Series B: Applications & Algorithms, 24(2017), 97-111 2017
Q. Din, M. A. Khan Period-doubling bifurcation and chaos control in a discrete-time mosquito model Computational Ecology and Software, 7(4) (2017), 153-166 2017
Q. Din, A. A. Elsadany, H. Khalil Controlling Chaos and Bifurcations in Discrete-Time Population Models Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2017 (2017), Article ID 3476913, 1-3 2017
Q. Din, M. Asif Khan Global stability of a system of exponential difference equations Contemporary Methods in Mathematical Physics and Gravitation, 1(2)(2016), 71-85 2016
Q. Din Asymptotic behavior of an anti-competitive system of second-order difference equations Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society, 24(2016), 37-43 2016
Q. Din Global behavior of a host-parasitoid model under the constant refuge effect Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40(4)(2016), 2815-2826 2016
Q. Din, M. A. Khan, U. Saeed Qualitative Behavior of Generalized Beddington Model Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, 71(2)(2016), 145-155 2016
M. Ozair, Q. Din, T. Hussain, A. U. Awan Qualitative behavior of vector-borne disease model Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications, 9 (2016), 1382-1395 2016
Q. Din, M. Ozair, T. Hussain, U. Saeed Qualitative behavior of a smoking model Advances in Difference Equations, 2016(2016), 1-12 2016
Q. Din Qualitative Behavior of a Discrete SIR Epidemic Model International Journal of Biomathematics, 9(6) (2016): 1650092, 15 pages 2016
M. A. Khan, T. Ali, A. Kilicman, Q. Din Refinements of Jensen's inequality for convex functions on the co-ordinates in a rectangle from the plane FILOMAT (Proc. ICRAPAM 2015), 30(3)(2016), 803-814 2016
A. U. Awan, M. Ozair, Q. Din, T. Hussain Stability analysis of pine wilt disease model by periodic use of insecticides Journal of Biological Dynamics, 10(1)(2016), 506-524 2016
Q. Din Qualitative nature of a discrete predator-prey system Contemporary Methods in Mathematical Physics and Gravitation, 1(1)(2015), 27-42 2015
Q Din, AQ Khan, MN Qureshi Qualitative behavior of two systems of second-order rational difference equation Journal of Computational Analysis & Applications, 18(5)(2015), 1027—1041 2015
Q. Din, T. Donchev, A. Nosheen, M. Rafaqat Runge-Kutta methods for differential equations with variable time of impulses Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 36(2015), 777—791 2015
Q. Din Global behavior of a plant-herbivore model Advances in Difference Equations, 2015(2015), 119 2015
Q. Din Asymptotic behavior of a second-order fuzzy rational difference equation Journal of Discrete Mathematics, vol. 2015, Article ID 524931, 7 pages 2015
Q. Din, M. N. Qureshi, A. Q. Khan Periodicity Nature of Some Systems of Difference Equations World Applied Sciences Journal, 29(12)(2014), 1685-1694 2014
Q. Din On a system of rational difference equation Demonstratio Mathematica, 47(2)(2014), 324-335 2014
Q. Din On a system of fourth-order rational difference equations Acta Universitatis Apulensis, 39(2014), 137-150 2014
Q. Din Stability analysis of a biological network Network Biology, 4(3)(2014), 123-129 2014
Q. Din Global character of a rational difference equation Thai Journal of Mathematics, 12(1)(2014), 55-70 2014
A. Q. Khan, Q. Din, M. N. Qureshi, T. F. Ibrahim Global behavior of an anti-competitive system of fourth-order rational difference equations Computational Ecology and Software, 4(1)(2014), 35-46 2014
Q. Din, A. Q. Khan, M. N. Qureshi Qualitative behavior of an anti-competitive system of third-order rational difference Computational Ecology and Software, 4(2)(2014), 104-115 2014
Q. Din, E. M. Elsayed Stability analysis of a discrete ecological model , Computational Ecology and Software, 4(2)(2014), 89-103 2014
A. Q. Khan, M. N. Qureshi, Q. Din Asymptotic behavior of an anti-competitive system of rational difference equations Life Science Journal, 11(7s)(2014), 16-20 2014
M. N. Qureshi, A. Q. Khan, Q. Din Some systems of second-order rational difference equations Life Science Journal, 11(6s)(2014), 43-50 2014
M. N. Qureshi, A. Q. Khan, Q. Din Asymptotic behavior of a Nicholson-Bailey model Advances in Difference Equations, 1(2014), 62 2014
Q. Din Global stability of a population model Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 59 (2014), 119-128 2014
Q. Din, T. F. Ibrahim, K. A. Khan Behavior of a competitive system of second-order difference equations The Scientific World Journal, Volume 2014, Article ID 283982, 9 pages 2014
Q. Din, K. A. Khan, A. Nosheen Stability Analysis of a System of Exponential Difference Equations Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Volume 2014, Article ID 375890, 11 pages 2014
M. N. Qureshi, A. Q. Khan, Q. Din Global behavior of third order system of rational difference equations International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 2(5)(2013), 2182-2191 2013
Q. Din, T. F. Ibrahim Global behavior of a neural networks system Indian Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 1(1)(2013), 79-92 2013
Q. Din Global behavior of a rational difference equation Acta Universitatis Apulensis, 34(2013), 35-49 2013
M. N. Qureshi, A. Q. Khan, M. Ayub, Q. Din Invariant solutions for nonhomogeneous discrete diffusion equation Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Volume 2013, Article ID 146976, 7 pages 2013
Q. Din, T. Donchev Global character of a host-parasite model Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 54(2013), 1-7 2013
Q. Din Dynamics of a discrete Lotka-Volterra model Advances in Difference Equations, 1(2013), 1-13 2013
A. Q. Khan, M. N. Qureshi, Q. Din Global dynamics of some systems of higher-order rational difference equations Advances in Difference Equations, 1(2013), 354 2013
Q. Din, A. Q. Khan, M. N. Qureshi Qualitative behavior of a host-pathogen model Advances in Difference Equations, 1(2013): 263 2013
Q. Din, T. Donchev, D. Kolev Numerical Approximations of Impulsive Delay Differential Equations Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimizations, 34(7)(2013), 728-740 2013
Q. Din, T. Donchev, D. Kolev Filippov-Pliss lemma and m-dissipative differential inclusions Journal of Global Optimizations, 56(4)(2013), 1707-1717 2013
Q. Din, M. N. Qureshi, A. Q. Khan Dynamics of a fourth-order system of rational difference equations Advances in Difference Equations, 1(2012), 1-15 2012
Q. Din, T. Donchev, R. Baier Higher Order Runge-Kutta Methods for Impulsive Differential Systems Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218(24)(2012), 11790–11798 2012
Q. Din, T. Donchev, D. Kolev Attractors approximations and fixed sets of evolution systems , International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 74(2)(2012), 183-197 2012
Q. Din, T. Donchev Discrete approximations and optimization of evolution inclusions Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, 20(1)(2012), 15-30 2012