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Extension in the dates of Admission spring 2025 and UGAT

The last date for Admission Spring 2025 has been extended till 3rd march and UGAT date extended till 6th march 2025.

Challan Portal for Job Advertisements

Challan Portal for Job Advertisements

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Candidates are invited for WALK IN INTERVIEW on Part Time / Visiting Basis, Lecturer / 
Assistant Professor for the following disciplines, scheduled on 15-11-2024 at 10:00 am in Dean Office  Attachments

Extension of bid submission and opening date for the project "Completion of leftover work of Chottagala Campus, University of Poonch, Rawalakot"

Dear Bidders, Keeping in view the current law and order situation across the country and request by bidders, the bid submission and opening date for the project "Completion of leftover work of Chottagala Cam

Bidding Documents B2 (VOLUME I, II, III & IV)

Bidding Documents B2 (VOLUME I, II, III & IV)

Kindly click the link for the detailed tender documents 

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News for Waiting students in BS CS, DS and SE merit list

Candidates for BS Computer Science, BS Data Science, and BS Software Engineering who are on the waiting list (available at are encouraged to enroll in the evening program. For more information, p

Bidding Documents B1 (VOLUME I, II, III & IV)

Bidding Documents B1 (VOLUME I, II, III & IV)

Kindly click the link for the detailed tender documents 

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Admission Fall 2024(hardcopy of documents submission)

Admission Fall 2024 Students after applying online must submit the hard copy of form and documents to the DSA office of UPR.

Fee challan download link

Link for downloading fee Challans



'International Sports Complex' at Chotagala (suggestions/opinions from all stakeholders)

"UPR is excited to announce the initiation of the construction process for the 'International Sports Complex' at Chotagala. This facility aims to provide state-of-the-art-sports facilities for students, the


Advertisement for Research Associate

Advertisement for Research Associate
